Coaching and Consultation

Providing the following services for schools:

  • One-on-one and/or small group coaching to teachers or administrators who need/want additional support – Think “mentoring program,” but for veteran teachers looking to reconnect with their profession OR who want to support their own personal/professional social-emotional learning needs

  • Facilitation and group coaching utilizing the book “Onward”

  • Training and supporting in-school facilitators to lead dialogues related to “Onward”

  • Lead administrators through “Onward” and offer support and guidance to integrate “Onward” into their routines and practices within their schools (such as Faculty/Staff meetings)

  • Intentional and Consistent Adult SEL development

  • SEL 101 in buildings or during Inservice

  • Breakdown of CASEL Competencies for District Administration - What does each competency look, feel, and sound like?

  • Faculty/Staff Wellness offerings including mindfulness and yoga instruction

  • Support and guidance through updated School Wellness Policy integration

To learn more about what may work best for you and/or your school community, please contact Tara directly through email at or at the link below.